Ravens and Doves

Codon ring of life and death: & Puffin on Skomer island

The 27th gene key is called “Food of the Gods”.  In the I Ching it is called “the corners of the mouth”.  It is about divine nourishment and selfish greed.  The Gift is Altruism.  It is in the codon ring of Life and Death, opposite 24/44.   It “supports the empowerment of individuals through deep communal bonding”.  In Gaia’s present evolutionary stage, every form on earth survives by eating another form.  In the higher frequency it becomes like a dream I once had, of greenness:  everything in the colour green is nourished by and nourishes what is green, and every wish is true because it is Itself.

I just opened the Venus book again.  The IQ Gift: “Optimism comes from drawing in high frequency thought forms.  It is the nature of a true open mind … open-circuit thinking.”

Princess with dove, 1957

Mine is wounded just now.  Accept the wound, be tender and let it become.  It is all around the solar plexus, from diaphragm to pelvis:  the pain and tension of life.  Slow down with the baggage and let it be a basket, a basket of birth, of birds … ravens and white doves.  At first it was eggs!  There is an archway, a bowered garden gate.  It is open into the garden.  Step through, open my Crown fontanel and let them fly up free.  For give.  For give.  For give.  It was difficult enough being a teenager, long before Mr LV came along with that message throughout my life: “to forgive, you must give way to the force.”  Dark drawings and Himalayan Dhaulagiri!

In essence: the desire to cry and to smile.  And I wonder with Richard’s tender guidance of his team, his gene keys evolutionary transmission, we gentle our hurt children in here.  Be true, and hear, rather than describe.  As I grow older and less shielded I  heal many blind cruelties I did to myself in youth.  It’s like stoking a fire.  Layer after layer the packed unconscious awakes uncomfortably.  27, the corners of the mouth, is the smile when I mother and let out the ravens and the doves.

releasing 7 doves at the grave

The Feelings say – Don’t pack us into tidy labelled parcels.  Let us be what we are.  Suffer us to be.  Don’t invent us.

There is sturdy self reliance here at Home! – however vulnerable I get.  “A position of great responsibility, not to mention discomfort.”  Sensitivity to the human aura and to dense crowd discord and to the animal kingdom as a whole:  horse whisperers.   Earth’s yielding channel over the Lake.  The nervous wounded wild mare: touch and whisper gently in her ear, to calm her fretted nerves. I’m not in the fast lane, but I have and am the Commitment.  The way is,  to let it pass through, find a calm space, touch and be the mast, don’t take it seriously.

I have an Arthurian tarot deck which I didn’t use for years (by Caitlin and John Mathews): the relationship with it starts to align!  Cutting the deck once, I find in my left hand the Spear hallow.  In right hand, the Sword Four.

Sword Four – A sword lies on the altar within a chapel or hermitage. Although Perceval learns skill at arms from his uncle, his education is incomplete until he learns from his other hermit uncle the ways of the Spirit.  Traditionally novice knights laid their swords on the altar before taking chivalric vows. Respite, hermetic seclusion, convalescence, replenishment of spirit.”

Spear Hallow – from deep cracks in the earth, sheets of fire flame up.  The Spear which both wounds and heals rises up with great force and power: the prime implement which both causes and heals the Wasteland depending on who uses it. When it is touched to the Wounded King, health enters both king and land.  Creativity, the beginning of a project, purpose, birth, intuitional inspiration, challenge; the healing of all that was corrupt.”

I like this symbolism very much!  The sword lies on the altar of a Rose Croix chapel within an alchemical “raven” tower – a secret, beloved and potent space.  The Wand shows first the nature of the wound – how can I heal without feeling, seeing it?  Blessed are the cracked, who let in the light.

“The Venus Stream at this stage in our process is like an underground geyser bursting forth from the inner planes.” (RR)





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